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Grace and The Middle Path



I’ve been thinking a lot about the concept of Grace lately. In the context of what it looks like to receive it, and also in the context of how to give it to others, and how to give it to yourself more. 


I always do this thing at the beginning of every new year and I choose a theme or word for the year, this year my word is Grace - and boy, have I come back to it again and again. It’s been fascinating to see how the word or theme I choose coincides with just what I need. Last year, I chose the word Harmony, and it was fitting with all the things that I needed to cut out of my life that were causing some dissonance. 


The year before that, I chose the phrase Vibrantly Serve, and that was so neat because I was building my coaching business and nurturing it from its roots, as I went all in with serving, the practice grew to a sweet spot where I feel so happy about being able to help as many people as possible while I get to serve through...

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Artist Pep Talk #3 Finding Inspiration

Have you ever hit a season in life where you just feel… flatLike your bucket is empty. Your inspiration is non-existent. No matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to summon that flow of energy and passion like you used to? I’ve been there. And I want you to know — you’re not broken, used up, or “past your prime.” 

Your creative spark is simply suffocating beneath the weight of all your responsibilities.

 Because — let’s face it. Especially if you're multi-passionate like me, life can get overwhelming, fastBetween work, family, friends, health and just getting the basics done, it’s A LOT. We wake up. Survive. Sleep. Repeat. It never stops. Especially when you’re in the trenches with young children.  But deep in my heart, I know I’m a creator.  And I’ve had to learn how to honor this instead of dismissing it. I now know how to create. I’ve...

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Three Truths to Escape the Mom Guilt Trap

Every mom I work with has her own version of Mom Guilt, being all too aware of what we wish we did better in parenting.

The goal of this post is to help you Escape the Mom Guilt Trap, and it will be really good for empty-nesters to read.

It’s going to be good for moms of kids of all ages, but some of you have been asking me, are there specific ways I recommend to stop worrying about the things I did wrong as a mom, I know I did the best I could with what I had, but I seem to still feel guilty and what am I supposed to do with that? 

And the reason I say this is a good one is because I actually wrote it specifically with a few friends in mind who are empty nesters, who I have the privilege of coaching, and we’ve cultivated the Three truths I’m sharing with you today. They are powerful truths. And honestly, I wish I would have known them sooner. So I’m excited to share them with you. 

Before I do, I want to make sure that you know that as we near...

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Tools To Help You Parent Confidently

In this free mini course, I'll take you through the Emotion Coaching framework I've taught hundreds of moms and dads for cultivating more peace. Plus you'll discover how to shift the 'frustration habit' and parent from a place of trusting yourself more.